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About Us

Our Mission - helping water support life


Our much-loved 'water building' was built in 2002 in Sussex, England in the Emerson College campus .

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For more than 50 years, our work has been to understand water and, out of an ever-deepening appreciation of its extraordinary capacities, to find ways to help it in its life-giving and life-sustaining roles in nature.  To achieve this we have carried out research, run education programmes, developed new technologies and engaged in water-related community and environmental projects internationally. Our much-loved 'water building' was constructed in 2002 on the campus of Emerson College, Sussex, England.

The Foundation for Water was established as a British charity in 2008, but is the continuation of flow surface technology innovation research started in the 1960s by George Adams and John Wilkes, with the aim to improve water quality . After George Adams' death in 1963, John continued this work in his flow design research, leading to the invention in 1970 of the extraordinary Flowform® surface which generates a rhythmical figure8 dynamic streaming water flow, with many proven benefits to water quality.

Now in 2023, we are entering a new phase of growth, where we will expand what we have already achieved  to help water much more around the world.  We look forward to finding many new 'water' colleagues as we grow this aim.

Image by Jeremy Bishop
'Nothing is softer or more flexible than water,
yet nothing can resist it.'

Lao Tzu  (Born 571 BC)

Our People

We have a dedicated international team with a variety of skills and experience, working together to move the Foundation for Water into a new growth phase. 

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Our Founder
John Wilkes (1930 - 2011)

John was a master of many things from sculptural design and artistic sketching to a profound understanding of nature's flow and form processes and then onto the development of eco-technologies which enhanced nature's best ways of improving water quality through dynamic rhythmical flow. 

As well as creating a business to promote and supply his Flowform® invention with the help of colleagues around the world, he also inspired much research into water's role in nature. He was also a master in the understanding of metamorphosis in nature's form, and shared his profound insights with many pupils worldwide. 

Costantino Giorgetti – Trustee

Costantino has been a long term friend and supporter of John Wilkes. Professor Giorgetti is a consultant and advisor in environmental matters internationally and the founder and director of IISSAA (International Institute of Studies for the Development of the Amazon-Andean Region). He is Professor of Planning at the University of Trieste, Italy and a senior advisor at Tolerance International. Costantino has a special interest in the continuation of water research started by John Wilkes.

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Jochen Schwuchow PhD – Research

Jochen has a Ph.D. in Plant Biology (University of Mainz, Germany) and a M.Sc. in Physics Engineering (Universities of Stuttgart, Germany and Grenoble, France). He has been involved in professional research as a research associate from 1986 until 1991 in Mainz, and as a post-doctoral researcher from 1992 until 2003 at the University of Freiburg, Germany, at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio and at Kennedy Space Center, Florida in the U.S. Jochen has had a special interest in how gravity affects plant responses and growth, as has many scientific publications on varied aspects of plant life. He has worked with John Wilkes from 2003 as a research and teaching consultant.

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Felicity Field –Administration

I am a chartered management accountant and previously worked as a finance director for a small group of businesses in Milton Keynes.  My family and I moved to North East Lincolnshire in 2020 - mainly so I could have my horse in the garden - and shortly afterwards I started in business for myself, offering accounting and administration support to small businesses and charities.  My spare time is taken up with looking after my son, two dogs, horse and two ponies and I strive to manage my small parcel of land in a sustainable, bio-diverse way.

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Peter Malaise – Trustee

Peter has also been a long term friend and supporter of John Wilkes. From 1991 to 2010, he was in succession, External Consultant, Research and Development Manager and Concept Manager with ECOVER, an international company in sustainable washing and cleaning products. He was instrumental in bringing this company to its worldwide leadership in the market segment. Peter continues to act worldwide as an advocate for sustainable concepts and strategies in the global society.

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Paul van Dijk – Education and Technology

Paul van Dijk is a sculptor and performance artist and works with Flowform technology as an artistic and functional designer in the Netherlands. He has realized a number of major projects in Flowform design, including a world premiere in the treatment of municipal waste water. He studied with John Wilkes in the 1970s in England and for many years has taught sculpture and Goethean Science, with morphology and metamorphosis as his favourite subjects. He started running courses in Foundation for Water in 2012.

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Foundation for Water

Sussex, England

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