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Part 13b – The Foundation for Water’s Work

Welcome to this final article of our Foundation for Water’s series on the Creative Secrets of Water. In this article we will look at what we do in the Foundation for Water, and what our future plans are.

The mission of the Foundation for Water is to ‘help water support life’. Our nature intelligence motto is ‘learn from nature – design with nature’.

We are set up as active charities for these purposes in NZ and the UK, and are in the process of enabling tax deductable donations from Europe and the USA. This is already possible in New Zealand and Britain.

We have an Institute building and small team working with John Wilkes at Emerson College in Sussex, England and educational work developing out of NZ. A new centre is being formed in the USA, with interest in further research centres in Japan and Malaysia.


  • Understand water through pure research; its essence and functions in nature.

  • Invent new technology to help water and nature.

  • Design variations of eco-technology to help water quality in different situations.

  • Applied research; eco-technology effects on water quality and nature’s response to it, helping us make better designs.

  • Install eco-technology and environmental arts to benefit water, nature and people. (Flowforms presently.)

  • Educate people worldwide about this in a variety of ways.

Let us look at these in a little more detail;

  1. UNDERSTANDING WATER This is a passion of ours. We have worked on this for at least 40 years, with a special interest in rhythm and metamorphosis in nature. We are also gaining further insights into water from different paradigms by having conversations about water with different cultural traditions.

  2. INVENT NEW TECHNOLOGY John Wilkes’ 1970 invention of the rhythmic Flowform Principle was an extraordinary breakthrough not just for water, but also for engineering. Breakthroughs of entirely new inventions come seldom. Presently, the Foundation for Water is working on brand new lines of thought that could add greatly to the effectiveness of our work.

  3. DESIGN VARIATIONS Since 1970, John Wilkes and colleagues have designed over 40 variations of Flowforms for different functions. Interestingly, later on we saw that some are more heart shaped, some more lung or kidney shaped, emphasizing rhythm, oxygenation and mixing functions respectively! There are two main methods of designing; The first and least developed so far, is based on ‘Path Curve Geometry’, the other, more used, I call ‘Scientific Imagination’ where we combine science and art in water surface creation. We are fundraising to appoint a fulltime mathematician for advanced surface design.

  4. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS Water is used (and abused) in so many different places in our world. We calculate there are over 75 functions Flowforms can be used for. We need to find out more how different Flowform designs work in different applications to help water and its ecology. We are now collating results from 30 years of (underfunded) laboratory and installation research into Flowform effects on water. This is being done by a small team of university colleagues and is now over 80 pages in length. There is much of real value in what we have found, as a basis for exciting extensive research in all sorts of water ecology situations into the future. In due course we plan to enter this into our website. We are also developing new visual methods of testing water quality, showing its life supporting ‘freshness’, in addition to assessing its chemical quality. This is all applied research and requires a decent budget for staff, equipment, travel and other costs, which we are determined will grow in time through donations and contracts to equal those of other larger successful institutes. It appears what we are doing is not being done by anyone else in the world.

  5. INSTALL PROJECTS Over the last 35 years, Flowform colleagues around the world have set up more than 2000 projects in over 30 countries with hundreds of fascinating stories about successful results for water, people and products. John Wilkes’ book FLOWFORMS, the Rhythmic Power of Water tells about this. This area of work has been taken up by Flowform businesses. The Foundation for Water is associated with these in a mutually supportive manner. Design for Life, an associated Flowform business in NZ, has created a new type of Flowform which simply requires water and an electric plug, which suits homes, apartments and offices anywhere. It is a new beautiful design that is its own tank, and is being made in gorgeous ceramics at DFL’s Vietnamese factory for worldwide supply by their ethical Buddhist partners there. One source of funding for the Institute is to receive royalties and research grants from associated profitable Flowform companies. As fresh water becomes more scarce, technology that refreshes water, makes it more able to support life, will be most valuable. Fresh water will go further so to speak. This is what Flowforms do. And they are also artistic and enjoyable!

  6. EDUCATION ABOUT WATER AND NATURE INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY The Foundation for Water is committed to increasing awareness of what is common sense; fresh water moving in nature recreates life supporting energy in itself. We have been educating people about the creative secrets of water in seminars and publications for over 25 years now in many countries. We are planning to increase the scope of this outreach through more publications, seminars and illustrated presentations world wide. One of our education projects in need of funding is the making of a theatre-standard documentary about water through exquisite filming and fascinating multi-cultural interviews. We have started already with internationally acclaimed film-makers, and are seeking funding to complete what will be an exciting film sharing wonderful insights into water.

Our Work for Water and the Future:

Worldwide, we are failing to treat water the way it should be, and it is urgent that we change. We need to ensure that water has more capacity, more energy in its task of enlivening nature, especially after we have used it for our purposes.

Water is a resonant element filled with life, yet it is not ‘alive’ itself. It passes on life to those that are living, and this we need to enhance, and increase.

If humanity carries on the way it has for this last century there will be no real fresh water left on the planet. What will we do then? What compromises will we make, forgetting step by step what life once was in its pure state? This has already happened to water (and us) since the Industrial Revolution two hundred years ago, and unless we reclaim water as a mysterious, powerful element gifting life in remarkable ways to all of nature we will lose this gift of life altogether.

Will we ever have water back the way it once was; genuinely fresh, pure and lively?

The Foundation for Water is an advocate for water, working to be a voice speaking on behalf of water’s silence, while helping it carry out its vital task of supporting healthy life.

To help us in our tasks please tell friends about the Foundation for Water and this series.

Buy Flowforms, especially the smaller ceramic ones. See (Royalties to HWI) or email (We will issue a broadcast when the ceramic Flowforms are ready for sending worldwide)

Gift money to the Foundation for Water. For smaller amounts see our Credit card via Paypal link on our website, just one paragraph down the page. See

Larger amounts (for charitable deductions) please contact me directly at

Please contact me if you know about possible larger donating supporters or foundations.

Plan for water seminars in your area.

Thank you so much for your interest in water and our work!

With my best wishes Iain Trousdell Co-Founder and Keynote Speaker Foundation for Water

Copyright: All information is copyright to the Foundation for Water. This information cannot be used for any purpose commercial or non commercial without prior permission of its author. This email however can be passed on to others but must contain the whole message in its entirety.


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