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WATER 2050 

A global public initiative to return the world’s water quality back to that of 1950 by 2050

  • A global public initiative to return the world’s water quality back to that of 1950 by 2050.

    • And at the same time, to make good quality water available to everyone

    • We need to get at least 10% of the world’s population involved.

    • There needs to be an entire freely flowing organisation that is working to achieve specific goals by certain times

    • If humanity cannot do this then it is extremely serious – the present picture of water worldwide at 2050 without systemic major changes  is cataclysmic


  • ‘Recreate good water quality worldwide by 2050’

  • ‘Clean flowing water for all by 2050’

(This doesn’t quite say it as we need the oceans returned to high quality as well – and people don’t think if this as flowing)


Water2050 Vision //
  • 5 Summit conferences planning a 30 year project to recreate good quality water on our planet

  • Water2050 Earth 30 year project to be launched at the 2020 Summit


Main Aspects 


A comprehensive website as core to the project made up of…

  1. Water quality action groups with geographic positioning, and their own reporting and social media capacity

  2. Search engine to connect all groups and allow new visitors to find their own local groups, and any other content in the website

  3. WaterTalks (we have domains) –  films sharing about water and why we love it, why we depend on it, what is so incredible about it. Also ‘talks ‘ like TEDTalks. 

  4. Petition software

  5. Water quality data for as much of the world’s water as possible

    1. Methods of measuring said qualities:

      1. Chemical – oxygen, hydrogen and  pollutants

      2. Organic -  living pathogens and dead organic pollutions

      3. Energetic – its state as stagnant or dynamic water.

    2. Inexpensive means of measuring water quality, made available as widely as possible

    3. Historical water quality data and descriptions in decades since 1950, (ie dated 1960, 1970, 1980 etc) in specific areas, to show degradation of water quality, and where possible the few examples of improved water quality since then (eg. the river Thames)

  6. Water quality issues:

    1. Pollutions – what sort?

      1. Chemical

      2. Effluent

      3. Radiation

      4. Sub oceanic noise

      5. Digital frequencies

      6. Temperature increases


    2. Creating problems of:

      1. Dead zones

      2. Rising seas

      3. etc

  7. Water quality sectors:

    1. Clouds and rain

    2. Humidity

    3. Glaciers

    4. Artesian underground waters – aquifers

    5. Springs – hot

    6. Spring - cold

    7. Streams

    8. Rivers

    9. Lakes

    10. Deltas

    11. Gulf waters – especially dead zones

    12. Coastal waters

    13. Seas

      1. Tropical

      2. Temperate

      3. Cold water

    14. Deep water oceans

    15. Reefs

    16. Ice sheets

  8. Associated issues: 

    1. What about lost and stressed biomass? 

      1. Overfishing

      2. Stripping ocean floors

      3. Clean temperatures affecting plankton

    2. What about water availability?

      1. Weather chaos is giving rise to more floods and more drought (correct?)

      2. Corruption, war and dictatorships also contributing to water availability and quality issues

      3. Disappearing glaciers, streams, rivers and lakes

      4. Disappearing aquafers

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Foundation for Water


Sussex, England

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